

Bernhard Rytz Bernhard Rytz was the initiator and is the promoter of the Dependency Tool. He provided the idea of the Dependency Tool.

For the command-line parsing and processing his library has been used. It's a part of the project "synch".
Chuck McManis Some classes used for classfile parsing by Chuck McManis. Chuck McManis
Marc Schmid His application "Jbomba" has been used as an example for dependency analysis. It's a 3D bomberman game. It was Marc's Diploma work at the Fachhochschule Biel. JBomba
Samuel Weibel SnappingDesktopManager code has been donated to this project by Samuel Weibel. HICON


Apache SF Dependency Tool uses the following libraries and products of the Apache Software Foundation:
  • XML-OO mapping: jakarta/commons/digester
  • Regular expressions: jakarta/regexp
  • Logging: jakarta/log4j
  • Build process: Apache Ant
  • Project Homepage: Apache Maven
AT&T Graphviz For graph processing and layouting AT&T Grappa and AT&T Graphviz are used. Thanks for hosting this project and providing valuable project services.
TableLayout The main LayoutManager used for the Dependency Tool GUI's is the TableLayout.
Code Coverage by Clover Code coverage analysis by Clover
XEmacs And last but not least: Without Xemacs and JDEE, developing and debugging Dependency Tool would never be so much fun!