1 /***
2 * ReportManager.java
3 *
4 * Project: Dependency Tool
5 *
7 * 06.06.2003 pko initial public release
8 * 29.10.2002 pko creation
9 *
10 * Copyright 2003 ELCA Informatique SA
11 * Av. de la Harpe 22-24, 1000 Lausanne 13, Switzerland
12 * www.elca.ch
13 *
14 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
15 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
17 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
18 *
19 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
20 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
23 *
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
25 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
26 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
27 * USA
28 */
30 package ch.elca.dependency.report;
32 import java.io.File;
33 import java.io.FileInputStream;
34 import java.io.InputStream;
35 import java.net.URL;
37 import org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules.DigesterLoader;
38 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
40 import ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext;
41 import ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel;
42 import ch.elca.dependency.util.StringManager;
44 /***
45 * <code>ReportManager</code> used as an intermediary to create and
46 * manage Reports on the analyzed Project.
47 *
48 * @see ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
49 * @see ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
50 *
51 * @author Pawel Kowalski
52 * @version 1.0-beta
53 */
54 public class ReportManager {
56 /***
57 * Log4j Logger.
58 */
59 private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ReportManager.class);
61 /***
62 * A StringManager to access Strings
63 */
64 private static final StringManager STR = StringManager.getManager(ReportManager.class);
66 /***
67 * Path to the Digester rules and default config
68 */
69 private static final String RULES_PATH = "ch/elca/dependency/report/";
71 /***
72 * Digester rules filename
73 */
74 private static final String REPORT_RULES = RULES_PATH + "report-rules.xml";
76 /***
77 * Digester default report config filename
78 */
79 private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG = RULES_PATH + "report-conf.xml";
81 //****************************************************************************************/
82 // create a Report
83 //****************************************************************************************/
85 /***
86 * Create a Report on the specified <code>RawModel</code> and
87 * <code>DependencyModel</code>.
88 *
89 * @param filteredModel a <code>DependencyModel</code> value
90 * @param rawModel a <code>RawModel</code> value
91 *
92 * @return a <code>Report</code> value
93 *
94 * @exception ReportException if an error occurs
95 */
96 public synchronized static Report createReport(DependencyModel dependencyModel)
97 throws ReportException {
98 return createReport(null, dependencyModel);
99 }
101 /***
102 * Create a Report on the specified <code>RawModel</code> and
103 * <code>DependencyModel</code>.
104 *
105 * @param reportConfig Filename of the Report config File
106 * @param filteredModel a <code>DependencyModel</code> value
107 * @param rawModel a <code>RawModel</code> value
108 *
109 * @return a <code>Report</code> value
110 *
111 * @exception ReportException if an error occurs
112 */
113 public synchronized static Report createReport(String reportConfig,
114 DependencyModel dependencyModel)
115 throws ReportException {
116 // check arguments
117 //
118 if (dependencyModel== null) {
119 ReportException repEx = new ReportException(ReportException.INVALID_ARGUMENTS);
120 throw repEx;
121 }
123 ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
124 URL rulesUrl = classLoader.getResource(REPORT_RULES);
125 InputStream configStream = null;
127 // try to get a config stream (either user specified or custom)
128 //
129 try {
130 configStream = (reportConfig == null ?
131 classLoader.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_CONFIG) :
132 new FileInputStream(reportConfig));
133 } catch (Exception e) {
134 LOG.error(STR.getString("report.config.missing") + ": " +
135 STR.getString("report.using.default.config"));
136 configStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_CONFIG);
137 }
139 // could not find or access digester rules
140 //
141 if (rulesUrl == null) {
142 ReportException repEx = new ReportException(ReportException.RULES_NOT_AVAILABLE);
143 throw repEx;
144 }
146 // try to load a Report as specified in the config file
147 //
148 try {
149 Report report = (Report)DigesterLoader.load(rulesUrl, classLoader, configStream);
150 report.initReport(dependencyModel);
151 return report;
152 } catch (Exception e) {
154 LOG.error(STR.getString("report.error.in.config") + ": " +
155 STR.getString("report.using.default.config"));
157 // could not setup report as requested, using default report config
158 //
159 try {
160 configStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_CONFIG);
161 Report report = (Report)DigesterLoader.load(rulesUrl, classLoader,
162 configStream);
163 report.initReport(dependencyModel);
164 return report;
165 } catch (Exception ex) {
166 ReportException repEx
167 = new ReportException(ReportException.CREATING_DEFAULT_REPORT_FAILED, ex);
168 throw repEx;
169 }
170 }
171 }
173 //****************************************************************************************/
174 // perform reporting
175 //****************************************************************************************/
177 /***
178 * Perform reporting accordingly to the settings provided within
179 * the Hashtable argument. This includes: creating an Analyzer,
180 * applying filters, choosing UserLayer, creating a Report and
181 * outputting the created Report.
182 *
183 * @param properties a <code>Hashtable</code> value
184 *
185 * @exception ReportException if an error occurs
186 */
187 public synchronized static void performReporting(DependencyContext dependencyContext)
188 throws ReportException {
190 DependencyModel dependencyModel = new DependencyModel();
191 File reportConfig = null;
192 Report report = null;
194 if (dependencyContext.suffices()) {
195 try {
196 dependencyModel.create(dependencyContext);
197 reportConfig = (File)dependencyContext.get(DependencyContext.REPORT_CONFIG_KEY);
198 report = ReportManager.createReport(reportConfig.getAbsolutePath(), dependencyModel);
199 report.outputReport();
200 } catch (Exception e) {
201 LOG.error("Could not create a Dependency Model, Report failed");
202 e.printStackTrace();
203 }
204 } else {
205 LOG.error("Dependency Context is not sufficient for a dependency analysis");
206 }
207 }
209 //****************************************************************************************/
210 // helper methods
211 //****************************************************************************************/
213 /***
214 * Returns all available ReportInfo classes that can be used to build a Report.
215 *
216 * @return a <code>ReportInfo[]</code> value
217 *
218 * @tbd improve: read all available ReportInfos from a auto-generated properties file.
219 */
220 public static Class[] getAvailableReportInfos() {
221 Class[] reportInfoClasses = {ch.elca.dependency.report.StatReportInfo.class,
222 ch.elca.dependency.report.PackagesReportInfo.class,
223 ch.elca.dependency.report.DependenciesReportInfo.class,
224 ch.elca.dependency.report.LayeringViolationReportInfo.class};
225 return reportInfoClasses;
226 }
228 /***import ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter;
229 * Returns all available Formatter classes that can be used to format a Report.
230 *
231 * @return a <code>Class[]</code> value
232 *
233 * @tbd improve: read all available Formatters from a auto-generated properties file.
234 */
235 public static Class[] getAvailableFormatters() {
236 Class[] fomatterClasses = {ch.elca.dependency.report.TextFormatter.class};
237 return fomatterClasses;
238 }
239 }
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