1 /***
2 * MyGrappaAdapter.java
3 *
4 * Project: Dependency Tool
5 *
7 * 06.06.2003 pko initial public release
8 *
9 * Copyright 2003 ELCA Informatique SA
10 * Av. de la Harpe 22-24, 1000 Lausanne 13, Switzerland
11 * www.elca.ch
12 *
13 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
16 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 *
18 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
22 *
23 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
24 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
25 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
26 * USA
27 */
29 package ch.elca.dependency.view;
31 import att.grappa.*;
32 import ch.elca.dependency.core.Selection;
33 import ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDetails;
34 import java.awt.Color;
35 import java.awt.Graphics2D;
36 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
37 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
38 import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
39 import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
40 import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
41 import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
42 import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
43 import java.util.*;
44 import javax.swing.JFrame;
45 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
46 import org.apache.log4j.Category;
48 /***
49 * A GrappaAdapter for the <code>att.grappa.GrappaPanel</code> class.
50 *
51 * @author Christoph Trutmann
52 * @version 1.0-beta
53 */
54 public class MyGrappaAdapter implements GrappaConstants, GrappaListener, ActionListener {
56 /***
57 * Log4j category to invoke the log statements.
58 */
59 private static final Category CAT = Category.getInstance(MyGrappaAdapter.class);
61 /***
62 * Specifies whether it is possible to drag a node to a new position.<br>
63 * By default it is diabled.
64 */
65 private boolean m_dragEnabled = false;
67 /***
68 * <code>Selection</code> interface.
69 */
70 private Selection m_select;
72 /***
73 * <code>DependencyDetail</code> interface.
74 */
75 private DependencyDetails m_detail;
77 /***
78 * Zoom factor for zoom in. Default is 0.5.
79 */
80 private double m_positiveZoomFact = 0.5d;
82 /***
83 * Zoom factor for zoom out. Default is 0.5.
84 */
85 private double m_negativeZoomFact = 0.333d;
87 /***
88 * References the <code>Selection</code> interface for notify the other
89 * views about changing selections. And also the
90 * <code>DependencyDetails</code> interface for showing additional
91 * dependency information for an arbitrary edge.
92 *
93 * @param select Selection interface.
94 */
95 public void reference(Selection select, DependencyDetails detail){
96 m_select = select;
97 m_detail = detail;
98 }
100 /***
101 * Sets the zoom factor for the zoom out / in.
102 *
103 * @param fact Zoom factor.
104 */
105 public void setZoomFactor(double positive, double negative) {
106 m_positiveZoomFact = positive;
107 m_negativeZoomFact = negative;
108 }
111 /***
112 * The method called when a mouse click occurs on a displayed subgraph.
113 *
114 * @param subg displayed subgraph where action occurred
115 * @param elem subgraph element in which action occurred
116 * @param pt the point where the action occurred (graph coordinates)
117 * @param modifiers mouse modifiers in effect
118 * @param clickCount count of mouse clicks that triggered this action
119 * @param panel specific panel where the action occurred
120 */
121 public void grappaClicked(Subgraph subg, Element elem, GrappaPoint pt,
122 int modifiers, int clickCount, GrappaPanel panel) {
124 // disable selecting a subgraph
125 //
126 if ( elem instanceof Subgraph ) {
127 clearSelection(panel, subg);
128 return;
129 }
131 if((modifiers&InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) {
132 if(clickCount == 1) {
134 // disable edge selection
135 //
136 if ( elem instanceof Edge ) {
137 clearSelection(panel, subg);
138 return;
139 }
141 // looks like Java has a single click occur on the way to a
142 // multiple click, so this code always executes (which is
143 // not necessarily a bad thing)
144 //
145 if(subg.getGraph().isSelectable()) {
146 if(modifiers == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) {
147 // select element
148 if(elem == null) {
149 clearSelection(panel, subg);
150 } else {
151 if(subg.currentSelection != null) {
152 // if the element is selected yet
153 if(subg.currentSelection == elem) return;
154 // if an element is not selected yet
155 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
156 ((Element)(subg.currentSelection))
157 .highlight &= ~HIGHLIGHT_MASK;
158 } else {
159 Vector vec = ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection));
160 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
161 ((Element)(vec.elementAt(i))).highlight &= ~HIGHLIGHT_MASK;
162 }
163 }
164 subg.currentSelection = null;
165 }
166 elem.highlight |= SELECTION_MASK;
167 subg.currentSelection = elem;
169 // this code is added by ctr
170 //
171 if ( subg.currentSelection instanceof Node ) {
172 Node nodeTmp = (Node)subg.currentSelection;
174 // notify the selection model
175 ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
176 list.add(nodeTmp.getName());
177 m_select.selectPackages(list);
179 // select all the outgoing edges
180 Enumeration outEdgeEnum = nodeTmp.outEdgeElements();
181 boolean firstRun = true;
182 Vector vect = null;
183 while ( outEdgeEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
184 if ( firstRun ) {
185 vect = new Vector();
186 vect.add(subg.currentSelection);
187 firstRun = false;
188 }
190 Edge edgeTmp = (Edge)outEdgeEnum.nextElement();
191 edgeTmp.highlight |= SELECTION_MASK;
192 vect.add(edgeTmp);
193 }
194 if ( vect != null ) {
195 subg.currentSelection = vect;
196 }
197 }
198 //
199 // until here
201 subg.getGraph().repaint();
202 panel.repaint();
203 }
205 // added by ctr
206 //
207 } else if ( modifiers == (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK|InputEvent.ALT_MASK) ) {
208 // select element
209 if(elem == null) {
210 if(subg.currentSelection != null) {
211 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
212 ((Element)(subg.currentSelection))
213 .highlight &= ~HIGHLIGHT_MASK;
214 } else {
215 Vector vec
216 = ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection));
217 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
218 ((Element)(vec.elementAt(i)))
219 .highlight &= ~HIGHLIGHT_MASK;
220 }
221 }
222 subg.currentSelection = null;
223 subg.getGraph().repaint();
224 panel.repaint();
225 }
226 } else {
227 if(subg.currentSelection != null) {
228 // if the element is selected yet
229 if(subg.currentSelection == elem) return;
230 // if an element is not selected yet
231 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
232 ((Element)(subg.currentSelection))
233 .highlight &= ~HIGHLIGHT_MASK;
234 } else {
235 Vector vec = ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection));
236 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
237 ((Element)(vec.elementAt(i))).highlight &= ~HIGHLIGHT_MASK;
238 }
239 }
240 subg.currentSelection = null;
241 }
242 elem.highlight |= SELECTION_MASK;
243 subg.currentSelection = elem;
245 if ( subg.currentSelection instanceof Node ) {
246 Node nodeTmp = (Node)subg.currentSelection;
248 // notify the selection model
249 ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
250 list.add(nodeTmp.getName());
251 m_select.selectPackages(list);
253 // select all the outgoing edges
254 Enumeration inEdgeEnum = nodeTmp.inEdgeElements();
255 boolean firstRun = true;
256 Vector vect = null;
257 while ( inEdgeEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
258 if ( firstRun ) {
259 vect = new Vector();
260 vect.add(subg.currentSelection);
261 firstRun = false;
262 }
264 Edge edgeTmp = (Edge)inEdgeEnum.nextElement();
265 edgeTmp.highlight |= SELECTION_MASK;
266 vect.add(edgeTmp);
267 }
268 if ( vect != null ) {
269 subg.currentSelection = vect;
270 }
271 }
272 subg.getGraph().repaint();
273 panel.repaint();
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 // executed within each double click
278 } else if ( clickCount == 2 ){
279 // if the double click occured on a edge element
280 if ( elem instanceof Edge ) {
281 m_detail.showDetails((Edge)elem);
282 }
283 }
284 else {
285 // multiple clicks
286 // this code executes for each click beyond the second
287 //System.err.println("clickCount="+clickCount);
288 }
289 }
290 }
292 /***
293 * The method called when a mouse press occurs on a displayed subgraph.
294 *
295 * @param subg displayed subgraph where action occurred
296 * @param elem subgraph element in which action occurred
297 * @param pt the point where the action occurred (graph coordinates)
298 * @param modifiers mouse modifiers in effect
299 * @param panel specific panel where the action occurred
300 */
301 public void grappaPressed(Subgraph subg, Element elem, GrappaPoint pt, int modifiers, GrappaPanel panel) {
302 if((modifiers&(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK|InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK)) != 0 && (modifiers&(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK|InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK)) == modifiers) {
303 // pop-up menu if button2 or button3
304 javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup = new javax.swing.JPopupMenu();
305 javax.swing.JMenuItem item = null;
307 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Print"));
308 item.addActionListener(this);
309 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("print.gif"));
310 popup.addSeparator();
311 if(subg.currentSelection != null) {
312 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Clear Selection"));
313 item.addActionListener(this);
314 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("null.png"));
315 popup.addSeparator();
316 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Preview Delete"));
317 item.addActionListener(this);
318 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("null.png"));
319 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Cancel Preview"));
320 item.addActionListener(this);
321 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("undo.gif"));
322 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Delete Selection"));
323 item.addActionListener(this);
324 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("delete.gif"));
325 popup.addSeparator();
326 }
327 if(panel.hasOutline()) {
328 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Zoom to Sweep"));
329 item.addActionListener(this);
330 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("null.png"));
331 }
332 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Zoom In"));
333 item.addActionListener(this);
334 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("zoomIn.gif"));
335 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Zoom Out"));
336 item.addActionListener(this);
337 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("zoomOut.gif"));
338 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Reset Zoom"));
339 item.setIcon(ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.getIcon("null.png"));
340 item.addActionListener(this);
341 if(subg.hasEmptySubgraphs()) {
342 popup.addSeparator();
343 popup.add(item = new javax.swing.JMenuItem("Remove Empty Subgraphs"));
344 item.addActionListener(this);
345 }
347 java.awt.geom.Point2D mpt = panel.getTransform().transform(pt,null);
348 popup.show(panel,(int)mpt.getX(),(int)mpt.getY());
349 }
350 }
352 /***
353 * The method called when a mouse release occurs on a displayed subgraph.
354 *
355 * @param subg displayed subgraph where action occurred
356 * @param elem subgraph element in which action occurred
357 * @param pt the point where the action occurred (graph coordinates)
358 * @param modifiers mouse modifiers in effect
359 * @param pressedElem subgraph element in which the most recent mouse press occurred
360 * @param pressedPt the point where the most recent mouse press occurred (graph coordinates)
361 * @param pressedModifiers mouse modifiers in effect when the most recent mouse press occurred
362 * @param outline enclosing box specification from the previous drag position (for XOR reset purposes)
363 * @param panel specific panel where the action occurred
364 */
365 public void grappaReleased(Subgraph subg, Element elem, GrappaPoint pt, int modifiers,
366 Element pressedElem, GrappaPoint pressedPt, int pressedModifiers,
367 GrappaBox outline, GrappaPanel panel) {
369 panel.repaint();
370 }
372 /***
373 * The method called when a mouse drag occurs on a displayed subgraph.
374 *
375 * @param subg displayed subgraph where action occurred
376 * @param currentPt the current drag point
377 * @param currentModifiers the current drag mouse modifiers
378 * @param pressedElem subgraph element in which the most recent mouse press occurred
379 * @param pressedPt the point where the most recent mouse press occurred (graph coordinates)
380 * @param pressedModifiers mouse modifiers in effect when the most recent mouse press occurred
381 * @param outline enclosing box specification from the previous drag position (for XOR reset purposes)
382 * @param panel specific panel where the action occurred
383 */
384 public void grappaDragged(Subgraph subg, GrappaPoint currentPt, int currentModifiers,
385 Element pressedElem, GrappaPoint pressedPt, int pressedModifiers,
386 GrappaBox outline, GrappaPanel panel) {
388 if((currentModifiers&InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) {
389 if(currentModifiers == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK || currentModifiers == (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK|InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)) {
391 // draging on a node
392 if ( (pressedElem instanceof Node) && m_dragEnabled ){
393 // change position of the node
394 Node nodeTmp = (Node)pressedElem;
395 nodeTmp.setAttribute(GrappaConstants.POS_ATTR, currentPt);
397 // attach the edge to the moved node
398 Enumeration inEdgeEnum = nodeTmp.inEdgeElements();
399 Enumeration outEdgeEnum = nodeTmp.outEdgeElements();
400 GrappaPoint centerPoint = nodeTmp.getCenterPoint();
402 // set head of in edges to the center of the moved node
403 while ( inEdgeEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
404 Edge edgeTmp = (Edge)inEdgeEnum.nextElement();
406 GrappaPoint[] points = new GrappaPoint[2];
407 points[0] = currentPt;
408 points[1] = new GrappaPoint(edgeTmp.getTail()
409 .getAttribute("pos").getStringValue());
411 edgeTmp.setAttribute(
412 GrappaConstants.POS_ATTR,
413 new GrappaLine(points, GrappaLine.HEAD_ARROW_EDGE));
414 }
416 // set tail of out edges to the center of the moved node
417 while ( outEdgeEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
418 Edge edgeTmp = (Edge)outEdgeEnum.nextElement();
420 GrappaPoint[] points = new GrappaPoint[2];
421 points[0] = new GrappaPoint(edgeTmp.getHead()
422 .getAttribute("pos").getStringValue());
423 points[1] = currentPt;
425 edgeTmp.setAttribute(
426 GrappaConstants.POS_ATTR,
427 new GrappaLine(points, GrappaLine.HEAD_ARROW_EDGE));
428 }
430 // this can surely be handled much nicer!!!
431 subg.getGraph().repaint();
432 panel.repaint();
433 }
434 // dragging beside a node (on the panel | edge)
435 else {
436 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)(panel.getGraphics());
437 AffineTransform orig = g2d.getTransform();
438 g2d.setTransform(panel.getTransform());
439 g2d.setXORMode(Color.darkGray);
440 if(outline != null) {
441 g2d.draw(outline);
442 }
443 GrappaBox box = GrappaSupport.boxFromCorners(pressedPt.x, pressedPt.y, currentPt.x, currentPt.y);
444 g2d.draw(box);
445 g2d.setPaintMode();
446 g2d.setTransform(orig);
447 }
448 }
449 }
450 }
452 /***
453 * The method called when a element tooltip is needed.
454 *
455 * @param subg displayed subgraph where action occurred
456 * @param elem subgraph element in which action occurred
457 * @param pt the point where the action occurred (graph coordinates)
458 * @param modifiers mouse modifiers in effect
459 * @param panel specific panel where the action occurred
460 *
461 * @return the tip to be displayed or null; in this implementation,
462 * if the mouse is in a graph element that
463 * has its <I>tip</I> attribute defined, then that text is returned.
464 * If that attribute is not set, the element name is returned.
465 * If the mouse is outside the graph bounds, then the text supplied
466 * to the graph setToolTipText method is supplied.
467 */
468 public String grappaTip(Subgraph subg, Element elem, GrappaPoint pt, int modifiers, GrappaPanel panel) {
469 String tip = null;
471 if(elem == null) {
472 if((tip = panel.getToolTipText()) == null) {
473 if((tip = subg.getGraph().getToolTipText()) == null) {
474 tip = Grappa.getToolTipText();
475 }
476 }
477 } else {
478 switch(elem.getType()) {
479 case SUBGRAPH:
480 Subgraph sg = (Subgraph)elem;
481 if((tip = (String)sg.getAttributeValue(TIP_ATTR)) == null) {
482 if(subg.getShowSubgraphLabels()) {
483 tip = sg.getName();
484 } else {
485 if((tip = (String)sg.getAttributeValue(LABEL_ATTR)) == null) {
486 tip = sg.getName();
487 }
488 }
489 tip = "Subgraph: " + tip;
490 }
491 break;
492 case EDGE:
493 Edge edge = (Edge)elem;
494 if((tip = (String)edge.getAttributeValue(TIP_ATTR)) == null) {
495 if(subg.getShowEdgeLabels()) {
496 tip = edge.toString();
497 } else {
498 if((tip = (String)edge.getAttributeValue(LABEL_ATTR)) == null) {
499 tip = edge.toString();
500 }
501 }
502 tip = "Edge: " + tip;
503 }
504 break;
505 case NODE:
506 Node node = (Node)elem;
507 if((tip = (String)node.getAttributeValue(TIP_ATTR)) == null) {
508 if(subg.getShowNodeLabels()) {
509 tip = node.getName();
510 } else {
511 if((tip = (String)node.getAttributeValue(LABEL_ATTR)) == null || tip.equals("//N")) {
512 tip = node.getName();
513 }
514 }
515 tip = "Node: " + tip;
516 }
517 break;
518 default:
519 throw new RuntimeException("unexpected type (" + elem.getType() + ")");
520 }
521 }
523 return(tip);
524 }
526 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
527 //
528 // ActionListener
529 //
530 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
532 /***
533 * Invoked when an action occurs.
534 *
535 * @param aev the action event trigger.
536 */
537 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aev) {
538 Object src = aev.getSource();
539 if(src instanceof javax.swing.JMenuItem) {
540 Object parent = ((javax.swing.JMenuItem)src).getParent();
541 if(parent instanceof javax.swing.JPopupMenu) {
542 Object invoker = ((javax.swing.JPopupMenu)(((javax.swing.JMenuItem)src).getParent())).getInvoker();
543 if(invoker instanceof GrappaPanel) {
544 GrappaPanel gp = (GrappaPanel)invoker;
545 Subgraph subg = gp.getSubgraph();
546 String text = ((javax.swing.JMenuItem)src).getText();
547 // cancel the deletion preview
548 if(text.startsWith("Cancel")) {
549 if(subg.currentSelection == null) return;
550 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
551 GrappaSupport.setHighlight((Element)(subg.currentSelection), DELETION_MASK, HIGHLIGHT_OFF);
552 } else {
553 Vector vec = (Vector)(subg.currentSelection);
554 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
555 GrappaSupport.setHighlight((Element)(vec.elementAt(i)), DELETION_MASK, HIGHLIGHT_OFF);
556 }
557 }
558 subg.getGraph().repaint();
559 gp.repaint(); // added by ctr
560 }
561 // clear the selection
562 else if(text.startsWith("Clear")) {
563 clearSelection(gp, subg);
564 gp.repaint();
565 }
566 // enable dragging a node to an other position
567 else if( text.startsWith("Enable") ) {
568 m_dragEnabled = true;
569 }
570 // disable dragging a node to an other position
571 else if ( text.startsWith("Disable") ) {
572 m_dragEnabled = false;
573 }
574 // preview the deletion
575 else if(text.startsWith("Preview")) {
576 if(subg.currentSelection == null) return;
577 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
578 GrappaSupport.setHighlight((Element)(subg.currentSelection), DELETION_MASK, HIGHLIGHT_ON);
579 } else {
580 Vector vec = (Vector)(subg.currentSelection);
581 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
582 GrappaSupport.setHighlight((Element)(vec.elementAt(i)), DELETION_MASK, HIGHLIGHT_ON);
583 }
584 }
585 subg.getGraph().repaint();
586 gp.repaint(); // added by ctr
587 }
588 // perform the deletion
589 else if(text.startsWith("Delete")) {
590 if(subg.currentSelection == null) return;
592 int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(new JFrame()
593 ,"Do you really want to delete selected nodes?",
594 "Delete nodes",
595 JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
597 if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
598 return;
599 }
601 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
602 ((Element)(subg.currentSelection)).delete();
603 } else {
604 Vector vec = (Vector)(subg.currentSelection);
605 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
606 ((Element)(vec.elementAt(i))).delete();
607 }
608 }
610 subg.currentSelection = null;
611 m_select.clearSelection();
612 subg.getGraph().repaint();
613 gp.repaint();
614 }
615 // remove all the empty subgraphs
616 else if(text.startsWith("Remove")) {
617 subg.removeEmptySubgraphs();
618 }
619 // reset the zoom
620 else if(text.startsWith("Reset")) {
621 gp.resetZoom();
622 gp.clearOutline();
623 }
624 // print the whole graph
625 else if(text.startsWith("Print")) {
626 PageFormat pf = new PageFormat();
627 Rectangle2D bb = subg.getBoundingBox();
628 if(bb.getWidth() > bb.getHeight())
629 pf.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
630 try {
631 PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
632 printJob.setPrintable(gp, pf);
633 if (printJob.printDialog()) {
634 printJob.print();
635 }
636 } catch (Exception ex) {
637 Grappa.displayException(ex, "Problem with print request");
638 }
639 }
640 // tool tips on | off
641 else if(text.startsWith("ToolTips")) {
642 if(text.indexOf("Off") > 0) {
643 gp.setToolTipText(null);
644 } else {
645 String tip = subg.getGraph().getToolTipText();
646 if(tip == null) {
647 tip = Grappa.getToolTipText();
648 }
649 gp.setToolTipText(tip);
650 }
651 }
652 // zoom in
653 else if(text.startsWith("Zoom In")) {
654 gp.multiplyScaleFactor(1d + m_positiveZoomFact);
655 gp.clearOutline();
656 }
657 // zoom out
658 else if(text.startsWith("Zoom Out")) {
659 gp.multiplyScaleFactor(1d - m_negativeZoomFact);
660 gp.clearOutline();
661 }
662 // zoom to sweep
663 else if(text.startsWith("Zoom to")) {
664 //if(subg.currentSelection == null) return;
665 gp.zoomToOutline();
666 gp.clearOutline();
667 }
668 }
669 }
670 }
671 }
673 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
675 private void drillDown(Subgraph subg, Vector elems, int mode, int setting) {
676 // clear old selection
677 m_select.clearSelection();
679 Object obj = null;
680 for(int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
681 obj = elems.elementAt(i);
682 if(obj instanceof Vector) {
683 drillDown(subg, (Vector)obj, mode, setting);
684 } else {
685 // do not allow edge selection
686 if ( obj instanceof Edge ) {
687 continue;
688 }
690 GrappaSupport.setHighlight(((Element)obj), mode, setting);
691 switch(setting) {
693 if((((Element)obj).highlight&mode) == mode) {
694 if(subg.currentSelection == null) {
695 subg.currentSelection = obj;
696 } else if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
697 Object crnt = subg.currentSelection;
698 subg.currentSelection = new Vector();
699 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).add(crnt);
700 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).add(obj);
701 } else {
702 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).add(obj);
703 }
704 } else {
705 if(subg.currentSelection == obj) {
706 subg.currentSelection = null;
707 } else if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Vector) {
708 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).remove(obj);
709 }
710 }
711 break;
712 case HIGHLIGHT_ON:
713 if(subg.currentSelection == null) {
714 subg.currentSelection = obj;
715 } else if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
716 Object crnt = subg.currentSelection;
717 subg.currentSelection = new Vector();
718 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).add(crnt);
719 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).add(obj);
720 } else {
721 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).add(obj);
722 }
723 break;
725 if(subg.currentSelection != null) {
726 if(subg.currentSelection == obj) {
727 subg.currentSelection = null;
728 } else if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Vector) {
729 ((Vector)(subg.currentSelection)).remove(obj);
730 }
731 }
732 break;
733 }
734 }
735 }
736 }
738 /***
739 * Clears all the selections in all the views.
740 */
741 public void clearSelection(GrappaPanel panel, Subgraph subg){
742 if (subg.currentSelection == null) {
743 return;
744 }
745 if(subg.currentSelection instanceof Element) {
746 GrappaSupport.setHighlight((Element)(subg.currentSelection), 0, HIGHLIGHT_OFF);
747 } else if (subg.currentSelection instanceof Vector) {
748 Vector vec = (Vector)(subg.currentSelection);
749 for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
750 GrappaSupport.setHighlight((Element)(vec.elementAt(i)), 0, HIGHLIGHT_OFF);
751 }
752 }
753 subg.currentSelection = null;
754 subg.getGraph().repaint();
755 panel.repaint();
756 m_select.clearSelection();
757 }
758 }
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