Package ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa

This package contains Adapters and Factories for the att.grappa package.


Class Summary
EdgeFactory The att.grappa.Edge needs to be adapted to the needs of the Dependency Tool.
GraphFactory The att.grappa.Graph needs to be adapted to the needs of the Dependency Tool.
GrappaSupport The original att.grappa.GrappaSupport lacks functionality, which is provided by this class (by the means of wrapping methods, adding functionality and forwarding method calls.
NodeFactory Create new Nodes by the means of this Factory.
SubgraphFactory The att.grappa.Subgraph needs to be adapted to the needs of the Dependency Tool.

Package ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa Description

This package contains Adapters and Factories for the att.grappa package. All Instances from the att.grappa package have to be created by the means of classes in this package.

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