AboutDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.AboutDialog.
The About Dialog of the Dependency Tool.
AbstractGraphProcessor - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor.
AbstractGraphProcessor is a named GraphProcessor.
AbstractGraphProcessor() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor
Creates a new AbstractGraphProcessor instance.
AbstractGraphProcessor(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor
Creates a new AbstractGraphProcessor instance.
ACC_ABSTRACT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_FINAL - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_INTERFACE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_NATIVE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_PRIVATE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_PROTECTED - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_PUBLIC - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_STATIC - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_THREADSAFE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
ACC_TRANSIENT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
accept(File) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyFileFilter
Accept a file and return whether it's to be displayed.
accessString(short) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Returns a string that represents what the access flags are set for.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Handles the action events generated by the buttons.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
Actions from the search button.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
Invoked when an action occurs.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Handles the action events generated from the menus.
add(ArrayList, String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Adds the specified Classinfo to the model.
add(Edge) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Adds the specified Edge to the model.
add(Node) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Adds the specified Node to the model.
addAggregator(Aggregator) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Add an Aggregator to the list of aggregators used by this perspective.
addDependency(String, String, String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Adds the dependency to the list.
addFilter(Filter) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Add an Filter to the list of filters used by this perspective.
addFilter(Filter) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Adds the Filter object to the list.
addFilterEntry(String, String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Adds the Filter to the list.
addLayer(Layer) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Add a Layer to this LayerOrder.
addLayeringListener(LayeringListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Add a LayeringListener which will receive LayeringEvents.
addLayeringListener(LayeringListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEventSupport
Add a LayeringListener to the list of Listeners.
addLevelEntry(String, String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Adds the Level to the table.
addPackage(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Add a new package name that belongs to this Layer.
addReportInfo(Class) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Add a ReportInfo Object specified by its class to this Report.
addReportInfo(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Add a ReportInfo Object specified by its fully qualified classname to this Report.
Aggregator - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator.
This class is responsible for aggregating nodes in a graph accordingly to a regexp.
Aggregator() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
Creates a new Aggregator instance.
Aggregator(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
Creates a new Aggregator with a name and a String used to be used for building a RE (regular expression program).
analyse() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer
Performs the analyse on the specified directory root in the constructor.
AnalyseException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.AnalyseException.
Wraps the exceptions that could occur during the analyse of a directory structure containing the java class files.
Because there are many in some cases technical exceptions which do not tell very much to the user, all these exceptions are wrapped in the AnalyseException during the analyse.
AnalyseException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.AnalyseException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
AnalyseException(Exception) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.AnalyseException
Constructor with the wrapped exception as an argument.
AnalyseException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.AnalyseException
Constructor with a specific message string.
ANALYZE_ERROR - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: ANALYZE_ERROR.
Analyzer - class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer.
This class is the main responsible one for parsing the whole class structure in the directory tree.
Analyzer(File, Filter) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer
Creates a new Analyzer instance.
append(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LogDisplay
Append a log-message to this LogDisplay.
apply(ArrayList, RawModel, DependencyModel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.FilterApplicator
The filter is applied to the RawModel for getting the new DependencyModel.
ArgvDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.ArgvDialog.
Class ArgvDialog used by the DPTool class to give the user an opportunity to enter commandline arguments in a more user-friendly way.
ArgvDialog(String[]) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.ArgvDialog
Creates a new ArgvDialog instance.
ArrayQueue - class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue.
Implementation of the standard Queue interface.
ArrayQueue() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Constructor - Initializes the fields.
ArrayQueue(int) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Constructor - Initializes the fields.
ASCIZ - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
attach(Observer) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Attaches the observers to the model.
AttributeInfo - class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo.
This class defines the generic Attribute type for Java class files.
AttributeInfo() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo
AttributeInfo(ConstantPoolInfo, byte[]) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo


BadLayerDefinitionException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.BadLayerDefinitionException.
Is thrown if the user defined layers are invalid.
BadLayerDefinitionException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.BadLayerDefinitionException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
BadLayerDefinitionException(Exception) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.BadLayerDefinitionException
Constructor with an other exception specified as an argument.
BadLayerDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.BadLayerDefinitionException
Constructor with a specific message string.
BASIC_FILTER - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
BASIC_FILTER_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to store and retrieve the Basic Filter.
buildDirectory(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.UnZip
Creates the directory structure


ch.elca.dependency - package ch.elca.dependency
ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa - package ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa
This package contains Adapters and Factories for the att.grappa package.
ch.elca.dependency.ant - package ch.elca.dependency.ant
This package contains AntTasks for performing analysis and reporting in batch mode.
ch.elca.dependency.core - package ch.elca.dependency.core
This package contains the proper data used by the DependencyTool application.
ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo - package ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo
ch.elca.dependency.exception - package ch.elca.dependency.exception
This package contains exception classes for wrapping original java (technical) exceptions or for the specific behaviour of this application.
ch.elca.dependency.graph - package ch.elca.dependency.graph
ch.elca.dependency.gui - package ch.elca.dependency.gui
ch.elca.dependency.layer - package ch.elca.dependency.layer
ch.elca.dependency.report - package ch.elca.dependency.report
This package contains the classes which are responsible for the reporting (batch mode without gui).
ch.elca.dependency.util - package ch.elca.dependency.util
This is the package for some general utilyties whis can be used anywere in the DependencyTool application.
ch.elca.dependency.util.gui - package ch.elca.dependency.util.gui
ch.elca.dependency.view - package ch.elca.dependency.view
checkLayers() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer
Parses the user defined layer file and compares the layers to the real dependencies.
CLASS - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
CLASS_EXT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
ClassDepView - class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView.
Tree with class dependencies.
ClassDepView(DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView
Creates a new ClassDepView instance.
ClassInfo - class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo.
This class acts particuarly as struct.
ClassInfo(String, String, ArrayList, ArrayList, HashSet) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Constructor - Allows only direct initialisation at the beginning.
ClassInfoException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.ClassInfoException.
If the class informations of the analyzed .class file is not proper or not complete a ClassInfoException is thrown.
Because every class in a project should contain a package statement, the analyse is stopped.
ClassInfoException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.ClassInfoException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
ClassInfoException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.ClassInfoException
Constructor with a specific message string.
clear() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Clears the whole table model that means all the rows are deleted.
clear() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Clears the whole table model that means all the rows are deleted.
clear() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Clears the whole table model that means all the rows are deleted.
clearClassInfos() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Clears all the ClassInfo objects in the list of the DependencyModel.
clearFields() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Overrides the setVisible method of the class Component.
clearGraph() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Clears all the Vertices and Edges from the current DependencyModel.
clearSelection() - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Selection
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Observer
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clearSelection(GrappaPanel, Subgraph) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
Clears all the selections in all the views.
clone() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
CMDLINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
compareTo(Object) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Compares the names of two ClassInfo objects.
CONFIG_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: CONFIG_NOT_AVAILABLE.
ConstantPoolInfo - class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo.
This class defines an entry in the constant pool for a Java class.
ConstantPoolInfo() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Generic constructor
ConstantPoolInfo(double) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Construct a new ConstantPoolInfo object that is of type DOUBLE
ConstantPoolInfo(float) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Construct a new ConstantPoolInfo object that is of type FLOAT
ConstantPoolInfo(int) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Construct a new ConstantPoolInfo object that is of type INTEGER
ConstantPoolInfo(long) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Construct a new ConstantPoolInfo object that is of type LONG
ConstantPoolInfo(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Construct a new ConstantPoolInfo object that is of type ASCIZ
copy(Graph) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.GraphUtils
Copy a Graph.
COULD_NOT_ADD_REPORT_INFO - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: COULD_NOT_ADD_REPORT_INFO.
COULD_NOT_SET_FORMATTER - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: COULD_NOT_SET_FORMATTER.
COULD_NOT_SET_HANDLER - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: COULD_NOT_SET_HANDLER.
COULD_NOT_WRITE_REPORT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: COULD_NOT_WRITE_REPORT.
create(DependencyContext) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Create this DependencyModel accordingly to the specified DependencyContext.
createClasspath() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Support nested classpath elements
createLayerEdge(Subgraph, Node, Node) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.EdgeFactory
Create a new invisible att.grappa.Edge which purpose is to force layouting according to the specified layering.
createLayerNode(Subgraph, String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.NodeFactory
Create a new att.grappa.Node as Layer marker.
createModel() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Creates the graph with the information in the hash table.
createNewEdge(Subgraph, Node, Node) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.EdgeFactory
Create a new att.grappa.Edge with values preset, so that we can use it within the Dependency Tool.
createNewFile() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.MyFile
Atomically creates a new, empty file named by this abstract pathname if and only if a file with this name does not yet exist.
createNewGraph(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GraphFactory
Create a new att.grappa.Graph with values preset, so that we can use it within the Dependency Tool.
createNewSubgraph(Subgraph, String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.SubgraphFactory
Create a new att.grappa.Subgraph with values preset, so that we can use it within the Dependency Tool.
createReport(DependencyModel) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager
Create a Report on the specified RawModel and DependencyModel.
createReport(String, DependencyModel) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager
Create a Report on the specified RawModel and DependencyModel.
CREATING_DEFAULT_REPORT_FAILED - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
CYCLE_ICON_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode
Type string for the cycle icon.
CycleInDigraphException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.CycleInDigraphException.
Is thrown if in a digraph a cycle is detected.
CycleInDigraphException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.CycleInDigraphException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
CycleInDigraphException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.CycleInDigraphException
Constructor with a specific message string.


DATA_BLOCK_SIZE - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.util.UnZip
Data block size.
DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
A default Perspective.
DefaultPropertiesReader - class ch.elca.dependency.util.DefaultPropertiesReader.
The class DefaultPropertiesReader is used to read the default properties.
DefaultPropertiesReader() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.DefaultPropertiesReader
delete() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.MyFile
Deletes the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname.
deleteTempDir() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
DependencyContext - class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext.
DependencyContext used as a Context in which to create a DependencyModel.
DependencyContext() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
DependencyDetails - interface ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDetails.
Interface for showing the dependency details for the desired edge.
This interface is implemented by a dialog which shows the involved classes and the type of the dependency.
DependencyDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDialog.
Dialog showing the classes involved in a package dependency (edge) and its type (uses, ext, impl).
DependencyDialog(Frame, DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDialog
DependencyModel - class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel.
It's the model in the MVC Design Pattern.
DependencyModel() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Creates a new DependencyModel instance.
DependencyModel(DependencyContext) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Creates a new DependencyModel instance.
DependencyTableModel - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel.
This class is the data model for the dependency list table in the DependencyDialog.
DependencyTableModel() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
dequeue() - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.Queue
Remove and return from the queue the object at the front.
dequeue() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Remove and return from the queue the object at the front.
detach(Observer) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Detaches the observers from the model.
disableNotification() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Sets the notification flag false.
DiskFileReader - class ch.elca.dependency.util.DiskFileReader.
The class DiskFileReader used to read user properties stored in plain Files.
DiskFileReader() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.DiskFileReader
display() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Display the DependencyModel.
display() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView
Displays the StatisticView after the data has changed.
display() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView
Displays the OverView after the data has changed.
display() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
Displays the OverView after the data has changed.
display() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Implementation of the abstract display method declared in the View class.
display() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView
Displays the OverView after the data has changed.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
DPT_CONST - class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST.
Class DPT_CONST contains all constants used within the Dependency Tool.
DPT_CONST() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
DPTool - class ch.elca.dependency.DPTool.
Class DPTool provides a user-friendly entry point to the Dependency Tool.
DPTool() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.DPTool
DPToolErrorDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.DPToolErrorDialog.
Class DPToolErrorDialog used by DPTool after failure of the MainFrame.execute() method to give the user the opportunity to restart an analysis.
dragFrame(JComponent, int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.SnappingDesktopManager
Drag a JComponent.
dumpConstants - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader


EdgeFactory - class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.EdgeFactory.
The att.grappa.Edge needs to be adapted to the needs of the Dependency Tool.
EdgeFactory() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.EdgeFactory
EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
enableNotification() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Sets the notification flag true and notifies the observer.
enqueue(Object) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.Queue
Insert object o at the rear of the queue.
enqueue(Object) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Insert object o at the rear of the queue.
execute() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Execute this AntTask
execute(DependencyContext) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MainFrame
EXTERN_ICON_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode
Type string for the extern package icon.
extractFiles(File, File) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.UnZip
Extracts the files contained in the zipped file.


FieldInfo - class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.FieldInfo.
This class defines a FieldInfo in the class file.
FieldInfo() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.FieldInfo
FIELDREF - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Filter - class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter.
This class holds the regular expression which specifies the filter.
Filter - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter.
A Filter is responsible for filtering Nodes from a Graph.
FILTER - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
Filter() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Creates a new Filter instance.
Filter() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
Creates a new Filter instance.
Filter(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Constructor - Specifies the type of the filter.
Filter(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Creates a new Filter instance.
Filter(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
Creates a new Filter instance with a name and a String used to be used for building a RE (regular expression program).
Filter(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Constructor - All the attributes are specified as arguments.
FilterApplicationException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterApplicationException.
Wraps the exceptions that could occur during the application of the include and exclude filters.
FilterApplicationException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterApplicationException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
FilterApplicationException(Exception) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterApplicationException
Constructor with the wrapped exception as an argument.
FilterApplicationException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterApplicationException
Constructor with a specific message string.
FilterApplicator - class ch.elca.dependency.core.FilterApplicator.
Enables the application of a user defined filter to the RawModel.
FilterApplicator() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.FilterApplicator
FilterDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterDialog.
Dialog for creating, modifying and deleting filters.
FilterDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterDialog
Constructor - Stet the owner and initialize the controller for applying the filter.
filterGraph(Graph, Object) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GrappaSupport
The original att.grappa.GrappaSupport.filterGraph(...) method looses the att.grappa.Element.object instances after filtering the graph.
FilterListIOException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterListIOException.
Wraps the exceptions that could occur during the reading or writing of the filter list to/from the file.
Because there are many in some cases technical exceptions which do not tell very much to the user, all these exceptions are wrapped in the FilterListIOException.
FilterListIOException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterListIOException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
FilterListIOException(Exception) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterListIOException
Constructor with the wrapped exception as an argument.
FilterListIOException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterListIOException
Constructor with a specific message string.
FilterListTableModel - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel.
This class is the data model for the filter list table in the FilterDialog.
FilterListTableModel(boolean) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
FilterManipulationDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog.
Dialog for creating and modifying filters.
FilterManipulationDialog(JDialog) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Constructor - Set the owner dialog and call the init method.
findAggregatorForName(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Find an Aggregator for a certain name.
findSnapping(JInternalFrame, Point) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.SnappingDesktopManager
fireLayeringEvent(Edge) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEventSupport
Fire an LayeringEvent with an Edge associated with it.
FLOAT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
formatReport() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Format this report.
formatReport(ReportFormatter) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Format this report with the specified ReportFormatter.
front() - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.Queue
Return, but do not remove, the front object in the queue.
front() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Return, but do not remove, the front object in the queue.


getAggregators() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Get all Aggregators used within this perspective.
getAnalyzedClasses() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of clsses.
getAnalyzedLibPackages() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of library packages which passed the load filter.
getAnalyzedPackages() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of packages.
getAvailableFormatters() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager
import ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter; Returns all available Formatter classes that can be used to format a Report.
getAvailableReportInfos() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager
Returns all available ReportInfo classes that can be used to build a Report.
getAverageAnalyzedClassesPerPackage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the average classes per package which passed the load filter.
getAverageProjClassesPerPackage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the average classes per package in the whole project.
getBiggestAnalyzedPackage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the biggest package which passed the load filter.
getBiggestProjPackage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the biggest package in the project;
getCauseMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Get the cause message associated with this ReportException
getClassInfo() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Creates a ClassInfo object, fills in the required information and returns it.
getClassInfos() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer
Gets all the ClassInfo objects which have passed the load filter.
getClassName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Get the name of the class.
getClassName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets the name of the class where the informations belong to.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Returns the most specific superclass for all the cell values in the column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Returns the most specific superclass for all the cell values in the column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Returns the most specific superclass for all the cell values in the column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Returns the number of columns in this data table.
getColumnCount() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Returns the number of columns in this data table.
getColumnCount() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Returns the number of columns in this data table.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Returns the column name.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Returns the column name.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Returns the column name.
getCurrentPerspective() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Return the currently used Perspective.
getDependencies() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer
Gets the dependencies encountered by the analyse.
getDependencyContext() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the DependencyContext which was used to create this DependencyModel.
getDependencyModel() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get an instance of the DependencyModel, which is an singletong and must be creaated by the means of this method only.
getDescription() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyFileFilter
Get description for this FileFilter.
getDotExe() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get the complete path and the name of the dot.exe layouter
getDotExeName() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get name of the dot.exe graph layouter
getDotExePath() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get the absolute path to the dot.exe graph layouter.
getEdge() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEvent
Get the Edge associated with this LayeringEvent.
getFileFilter(String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyFileFilter
Get a FileFilter accepting files with the specified extension.
getFilterAt(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Get the filter in the specified row.
getFilteredClassInfos() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Gets the filtered ClassInfo objects.
getFilteredGraph() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Gets the filtered Graph object.
getFilteredStatistic() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Gets the filtered Statistic object.
getFilterName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Get the name of the filter which the user has specified.
getFilterValue() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Get the value of the filter which the user has specified.
getFullName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets the full qualified name of this class.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber
Get an Icon for its name.
getIcon(String, String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber
Get an Icon for its name and associate a description with it.
getImage(String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber
Get an Image for its name.
getImplementedInterfaces() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Get the implemented interfaces by this class.
getImplInterfaces() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets a HashSet with all the implemented interfaces of the current class.
getLastSelection() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Gets the list with the last selected packages.
getLayerOrder() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Get the LayerOrder associated with this perspective.
getLogDisplay() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LogDisplay
Get a created LogDisplay or create one in case it's the first such request.
getManager(Class) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.StringManager
Get a StringManager for the package where the requesting class is placed.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueFullException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueEmptyException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.LayoutException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.InvalidClassFileException
Gets the message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterListIOException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.FilterApplicationException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.CycleInDigraphException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.ClassInfoException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.BadLayerDefinitionException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.exception.AnalyseException
Gets the message of the wrapped class and displays it with the standard message of this exception.
getMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Get the message associated with this ReportException
getName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Gets the name of the filter.
getName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Get the name of this Layer.
getName() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor
Get this GraphProcessor's name.
getNeededClasses() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets the list with the classes nedded by this class specified here.
getNeededPackages() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets the list with the packages needed by the class specified here.
getNewReportFile(String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get an empty File for writing reports into.
getNodeList() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Helper method that extracts the nodes which have to be created in the graph.
getNodeList() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the list of all nodes representing packages in the analyzed project.
getNumberOfUsesDep() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of "uses" dependencies.
getOutputDir() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get the the output directory.
getOutputPath() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get the path to the output directory.
getPackage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets the mane of the package where the informations belong to.
getPackages() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Get a package associated with this Layer.
getPackDepend() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Gets the HashMap with all the package dependencies of the packages which passed the load filter.
The key is the full qualified name string of the package.
getPackDepend() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get all Package dependencies from this DependencyModel.
getPattern() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
Returns the Pattern (Regexp) used by this Aggregator.
getPerspectives() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get all Perspectives specified in a perspectives config file.
getProblemMessage() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Get the problem message associated with this ReportException
getProjClasses() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of classes in the project.
getProjectRoot() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Get the project root file.
getProjectRoot() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the Project Root.
getProjectRoot() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer
Get the project root file.
getProjLibPackages() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of library packages in the project.
getProjPackages() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Gets the number of packages in the project.
getProperties(String) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.PropertiesReader
Get the named Properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DiskFileReader
Get the named Properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DefaultPropertiesReader
Get the named Properties.
getPropertiesAsStream(String) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.PropertiesReader
Get the named properties as a Stream.
getPropertiesAsStream(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DiskFileReader
Get the named properties as a Stream.
getPropertiesAsStream(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DefaultPropertiesReader
Get the named properties as a Stream.
getRawClassInfos() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Gets the ClassInfo objects which passed the load filter.
getRawClassInfos() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get RawClassInfos from this DependencyModel.
getRawGraph() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Gets the Graph with the raw data.
getRawGraph() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the RawGraph from this DependencyModel.
getRawModel() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the RawModel from this DependencyModel.
getRawStatistic() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Gets the Statistic with the raw data.
getRegexp() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
Get the regexp used to filter nodes.
getRegexp() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
Get the regexp used to aggregate nodes.
getRemovedEdges() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the Set with the removed Edges.
getRemovedNodes() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Get the HashTable with the removed Node.
getResource(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DefaultPropertiesReader
Get the URL of a resource.
getRowCount() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Returns the number of rows in this data table.
getRowCount() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Returns the number of rows in this data table.
getRowCount() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Returns the number of rows in this data table.
getStatistics() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer
Gets the Statistic object containing all the statistical data gained from the analyse.
getString(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.StringManager
Get a String for a key.
getString(String, String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.StringManager
Get a String for a key and format it with the supplied value.
getSuperClass() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Get super class.
getSuperClass() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ClassInfo
Gets the super class of this class.
getTempDir() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Create a temporary directory which will be used for unzipping jars.
getToolInstallationPath() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Get the installation path of the Dependency Tool.
getUserLayer() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Get the UserLayer.
getValue() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Gets the filter value in form of a string.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Returns an attribute value for the cell at row and column.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Returns an attribute value for the cell at row and column.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Returns an attribute value for the cell at row and column.
getViolatingEdges() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer
Get an ArrayList of all layering violating edges.
getWrappedException() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Get the Exception wrapped within this ReportException.
GraphFactory - class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GraphFactory.
The att.grappa.Graph needs to be adapted to the needs of the Dependency Tool.
GraphFactory() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GraphFactory
GraphProcessor - interface ch.elca.dependency.graph.GraphProcessor.
An interface for processing Graphs.
GraphUtils - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.GraphUtils.
Class GraphUtils is a utility class for manipulating, copying of Graphs (specialized for the att.grappa package).
GraphUtils() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.GraphUtils
GraphView - class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView.
This view is responsible for visualizing the graph representation of the analyzed data.
GraphView(DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Creates a new GraphView instance.
grappaClicked(Subgraph, Element, GrappaPoint, int, int, GrappaPanel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
The method called when a mouse click occurs on a displayed subgraph.
grappaDragged(Subgraph, GrappaPoint, int, Element, GrappaPoint, int, GrappaBox, GrappaPanel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
The method called when a mouse drag occurs on a displayed subgraph.
grappaPressed(Subgraph, Element, GrappaPoint, int, GrappaPanel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
The method called when a mouse press occurs on a displayed subgraph.
grappaReleased(Subgraph, Element, GrappaPoint, int, Element, GrappaPoint, int, GrappaBox, GrappaPanel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
The method called when a mouse release occurs on a displayed subgraph.
GrappaSupport - class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GrappaSupport.
The original att.grappa.GrappaSupport lacks functionality, which is provided by this class (by the means of wrapping methods, adding functionality and forwarding method calls.
GrappaSupport() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GrappaSupport
grappaTip(Subgraph, Element, GrappaPoint, int, GrappaPanel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
The method called when a element tooltip is needed.


HELP - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
HELP_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to request a cmd-line usage information of the DependencyTool.


IconGrabber - class ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber.
An utility class used to get Images and Icons easily from the FileSystem.
IconGrabber() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.IconGrabber
iconType - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode
String specifying the type of the icon.
indexOf(ConstantPoolInfo, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
init() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Initializes the gui components of the progress bar dialog.
init() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Initializes the gui components.
init() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterDialog
Initializes the gui components.
init() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDialog
Initialize the gui components of this dialog.
initData(DependencyModel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Init data of this View.
initReport(DependencyModel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Init this Report with a DependencyModel and a RawModel.
initView() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Init this View.
initView() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView
This is the implementation of the superclass' abstract method.
initView() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView
initView() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
initView() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
initView() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView
Init this view.
inPool(ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Returns the reference to the constant pool item that is already in pool, that matches this one.
INTEGER - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
INTERFACE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
internalInitData() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Internal init data to be ovewritten by subclasses which need to speciffically init their data.
internalInitData() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView
This is the implementation of the superclass' abstract method.
internalInitData() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView
internalInitData() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
internalInitData() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
internalInitData() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView
INVALID_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: INVALID_ARGUMENTS.
INVALID_ROOT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: INVALID_ROOT.
InvalidClassFileException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.InvalidClassFileException.
Exception that is thrown if the .class file could not properly read or if there was a problem with the initialisation.
InvalidClassFileException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.InvalidClassFileException
Constructor - without argument.
InvalidClassFileException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.InvalidClassFileException
Constructor - with specified message string.
IOManager - class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager.
IOManager is used as manager of all operations that include the world outside the jvm Dependency Tool runs within.
IOManager() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Returns false for all cells except the first which is the check box for marking a filter entry.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Returns false for all cells except the first which is the check box for marking a filter entry.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Returns false for all cells except the first which is the check box for marking a filter entry.
isCreated() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Is this DependencyModel created already? It might be possible that this DependencyModel is created as an Object, but is not really created.
isEmpty() - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.Queue
Return a boolean value that indicates whether the queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Return a boolean value that indicates whether the queue is empty.
isEqual(ConstantPoolInfo) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
Returns true if these constant pool items are identical.
isExclude() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Tells the requester whether the filter is an exclude one.
isInclude() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Tells the requester whether the filter is an include one.
isInclude() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Tells the requester whether the model is an include or an exclude one.
isMarked() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Tells the requester whether the filter is marked in the filter list.
isType() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
return the type of this constant pool item.


JAR_EXT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST


Layer - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer.
This class represents an architectural Layer withing analyzed software.
LAYER_NUMBER_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Key to store and retrieve the LayerNumber property.
Layer() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Creates a new Layer instance.
Layer(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Creates a new Layer instance.
LayeringEvent - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEvent.
A LayeringEvent occurs each time an edge is discovered which violates the specified layering.
LayeringEvent(Edge) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEvent
Creates a new LayeringEvent instance.
LayeringEventSupport - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEventSupport.
This is an utility class which supports LayeringEvents.
LayeringEventSupport() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEventSupport
LayeringListener - interface ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringListener.
This interface has to be implemented by all classes which need to receive LayeringEvents.
layeringViolated(LayeringEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Handle a event fired when a violation of the layering is discovered.
layeringViolated(LayeringEvent) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringListener
Receive a LayeringViolated event.
layeringViolated(LayeringEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.LayeringViolationReportInfo
LayeringViolationReportInfo - class ch.elca.dependency.report.LayeringViolationReportInfo.
Class LayeringViolationReportInfo used to create information about layering violations.
LayeringViolationReportInfo() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.LayeringViolationReportInfo
LayerOrder - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder.
This class represents Layers within a graph.
LayerOrder() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Creates a new LayerOrder instance.
LayerOrder(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Creates a new LayerOrder instance.
LayoutException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.LayoutException.
Is thrown if the layout algorithm failed.
LayoutException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.LayoutException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
LayoutException(Exception) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.LayoutException
Constructor with an other exception specified as an argument.
LayoutException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.LayoutException
Constructor with a specific message string.
LevelTableModel - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel.
This class is the data model for the level table in the LevelDialog.
LevelTableModel() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
loadFirstPerspective(File) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.PerspectiveManager
Load the first perspective defined in a config file.
loadPerspectives(File) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.PerspectiveManager
Load Perspectives described in File perspectiveConfig.
LogDisplay - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LogDisplay.
LogDisplay used to display log messages within the DependencyTool GUI.
LogDisplay() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LogDisplay
Creates a new LogDisplay instance.
LONG - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo


m_dependencyModel - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
m_name - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor
A name associated with this GraphProcessor
m_noRegexp - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
A flag, telling whether the specified regular expression could be successfully used for building a RE Program.
m_noRegexp - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
A flag, telling whether the specified regular expression could be successfully used for building a RE Program.
m_perspectives - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Available Perspectives.
m_regexp - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
A RE (regular expression) associated with this Aggregator.
m_regexp - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
A precompiled regexp matcher.
m_regexpString - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
A regexp String associated with this Aggregator.
m_regexpString - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
A regexp String associated with this Aggregator.
m_statusListener - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
m_statusListenerSupport - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Support for StatusListeners.
m_statusListenerSupport - Variable in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
MAIN_CLASS_FQ_NAME - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
MAIN_FRAME_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
A key used to store and retrieve the MainFrame.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.DPTool
A new, user friendly entry point to the Dependency Tool.
MainFrame - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MainFrame.
The MainFrame class is responsible for the initialisation at the startup of the DependencyTool.
MainFrame(DependencyContext) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MainFrame
Creates a new MainFrame instance.
MethodInfo - class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.MethodInfo.
This class describes a Method as it is stored in the class file.
MethodInfo() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.MethodInfo
METHODREF - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
MyFile - class ch.elca.dependency.util.MyFile.
Class MyFile used for a temporary directory which needs to be deleted on exit.
MyFile(File, String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.MyFile
Creates a new MyFile instance.
MyFile(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.MyFile
Creates a new MyFile instance.
MyFileFilter - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyFileFilter.
A FileFilter used for JFileOpenDialogs within the DependencyTool.
MyGrappaAdapter - class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter.
A GrappaAdapter for the att.grappa.GrappaPanel class.
MyGrappaAdapter() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
MyProgressBar - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar.
Customized progress bar which does not need to know the time of a task.
MyProgressBar() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Constructor - Creates a non modal progress bar with no owner.
MyProgressBar(Frame) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Constructor - Creates a non modal progress bar with the specified owner.
MyTreeNode - class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode.
Adds the icon stuff to the DefaultMutableTreeNode.
MyTreeNode() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode
Creates a tree node that has no parent and no children, but which allows children.
MyTreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode
Creates a tree node with no parent, no children, but which allows children, and initializes it with the specified user object.
MyTreeNode(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyTreeNode
Creates a tree node with no parent, no children, initialized with the specified user object, and that allows children only if specified.


NAMEANDTYPE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
nextSig(String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Returns the next signature from a string of concatenated signatures.
NO_CHIOCE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPToolErrorDialog
NO_CHIOCE to indicate that user pressed the NO-Button.
NOARG - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
NodeFactory - class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.NodeFactory.
Create new Nodes by the means of this Factory.
NodeFactory() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.NodeFactory
notifyObserver() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Iterates over all the observer objects and calls the update method.
NotifyOnExit - class ch.elca.dependency.util.NotifyOnExit.
The class NotifyOnExit used as superclass for all classes which need to be notified just before the termination of the Dependency Tool.
notifyOnExit() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.NotifyOnExit
Notify the instance of this class that the DependencyTool is just before termination.
notifyOnExit() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig
Notify the instance of this class that the Dependecy Tool is about to terminate.
notifyOnExit() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame.JFrameConfig
Notify the instance of this class that the Dependecy Tool is about to terminate.
NotifyOnExit() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.NotifyOnExit
Creates a new NotifyOnExit instance and register it for termination-notification.
NOWIN - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
NOWIN_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to store and retrieve the NO-WIN property.


Observer - interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Observer.
The Observer Interface is responsible for holding implizit all the views which belong to the controller of the MVC Pattern.
It defines the two overloaded update methods which have to be implemented by the views.
OPTIONS - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPTool
A String[][] representing all the commandline arguments and whether they are optional or mandatory.
outputReport() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Output this report.
outputReport(ReportHandler) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Output this report with the specified ReportHandler.
outputReport(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Output the specified report.
outputReport(String, ReportHandler) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Output the specified report with the specified ReportHandler.
OverView - class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView.
A view class for diplaying the list and tree representations of the analyzed project.
OverView(DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
Constructor - Makes a JInternalFrame with the specified parameters.


PackageDepView - class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView.
Tree with package dependencies.
PackageDepView(DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView
performReporting(DependencyContext) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager
Perform reporting accordingly to the settings provided within the Hashtable argument.
PersistentJFrame - class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame.
Class PersistentJFrame furnishes its superclass: JFrame with persistent size and location.
PersistentJFrame.JFrameConfig - class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame.JFrameConfig.
Class JFrameConfig is used to overcome the shortage of single inheritance: we don't want explicitely to have to register each class which is interested in notification just before the termination.
PersistentJFrame.JFrameConfig() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame.JFrameConfig
PersistentJFrame() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame
Creates a new PersistentJFrame instance.
PersistentJFrame(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame
Creates a new PersistentJFrame instance with a title.
PersistentJInternalFrame - class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame.
Class PersistentJInternalFrame furnishes its superclass: JInternalFrame with persistent size and location.
PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig - class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig.
Class JInternalFrameConfig is used to overcome the shortage of single inheritance: we don't want explicitely to have to register each class which is interested in notification just before the termination.
PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig
PersistentJInternalFrame(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame
Creates a new PersistentJInternalFrame instance with a title.
PersistentJInternalFrame(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame
Creates a new PersistentJInternalFrame instance with title and switches for some boolean properties.
Perspective - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective.
A graph representing dependencies in an analyzed project can be vieved using different perspectives.
PERSPECTIVE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
Perspective() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Creates a new Perspective instance.
Perspective(String, Filter) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Creates a new Perspective instance.
PerspectiveManager - class ch.elca.dependency.graph.PerspectiveManager.
This class is responsible for loading perspectives from a config file and to make them available.
PerspectiveManager() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.graph.PerspectiveManager
PERSPECTIVES_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to store and retrieve the location of a Perspective config.
postError(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListenerSupport
Post an error.
postError(String) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListener
Post an error.
postError(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MainFrame
Post an error in this Frame.
postMessage(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListenerSupport
Post a message.
postMessage(String) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListener
Post a message.
postMessage(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MainFrame
Post a message in this Frame.
process(Graph) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Process a graph to display it "from" this perspective.
process(Graph) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Process a graph according to this LayerOrder.
process(Graph) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.graph.GraphProcessor
Process a graph.
process(Graph) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
Filter nodes accordingl to a regexp.
process(Graph) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
Aggregate nodes accordingl to a regexp.
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ArgvDialog
Overriden processWindowEvent method.
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MainFrame
Overriden processWindowEvent method.
PropertiesReader - interface ch.elca.dependency.util.PropertiesReader.
A PropertiesReader reads named Properties.
PROXY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
PROXY_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to store and retrieve the PROXY property.


Queue - interface ch.elca.dependency.util.Queue.
Definition of the standard Queue interface.
QueueEmptyException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueEmptyException.
Is thrown if the queue is empty.
QueueEmptyException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueEmptyException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
QueueEmptyException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueEmptyException
Constructor with a specific message string.
QueueFullException - exception ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueFullException.
Is thrown if the queue is empty.
QueueFullException() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueFullException
Constructor - Calls the constructor of the supperclass with no arguments.
QueueFullException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.exception.QueueFullException
Constructor with a specific message string.


RawModel - class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel.
The RawModel is the data model created after the initialisation.
RawModel(Analyzer) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Creates a new RawModel instance.
read(DataInputStream) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.MethodInfo
Read a method_info from the data stream.
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.FieldInfo
read(DataInputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo
read(InputStream) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Read a class from InputStream in.
Reader - class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader.
This class is used to read the dependency informations out of the .class files.
Reader() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
readFilterList() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterDialog
Reads the filter list in the file "filters".
recallConfig() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame
Get the bounds of this PersistentJInternalFrame stored persistently.
recallConfig() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame
Get the configuration of this PersistentJFrame stored persistently.
reference(Selection) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer
References the Selection interface for notify the other views about changing selections.
reference(Selection, DependencyDetails) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
References the Selection interface for notify the other views about changing selections.
register(NotifyOnExit) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.Shutdown
Register an instance of the class NotifyOnExit for notification just before the tool terminates.
reinitReport() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Reinitialize this Report.
removeFilterEntry(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Removes the Filter from the list.
removeLayeringListener(LayeringListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Remove a LayeringListener from the collection of Listeners receiving LayeringEvents.
removeLayeringListener(LayeringListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEventSupport
Remove a Listener from the list of Listeners receiving LayeringEvents.
removeLevelEntry(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Removes the Level from the list.
removePackage(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Remove a package from this Layer.
Report - class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report.
Report is a façade to the ch.elca.dependency.report package.
REPORT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
REPORT_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to store and retrieve the location of a Report configuration.
Report() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Creates a new Report instance.
Report(DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Creates a new Report instance ant initializes it with the specified DependencyModel and RawModel.
ReportDialog - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.ReportDialog.
The class ReportDialog here is a dialog, which can be used to generate Reports.
ReportDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.ReportDialog
Creates a new ReportDialog instance.
ReportException - exception ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException.
ReportException will be thrown in case of Exceptios in the ch.elca.dependency.report package.
ReportException(String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Creates a new ReportException instance.
ReportException(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Creates a new ReportException instance.
ReportException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Creates a new ReportException instance.
ReportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Creates a new ReportException instance.
ReportFormatter - class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportFormatter.
Abstract superclass for all Formatters that have to format a Report (which is a Tree).
ReportFormatter() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportFormatter
ReportManager - class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager.
ReportManager used as an intermediary to create and manage Reports on the analyzed Project.
ReportManager() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportManager
ReportTask - class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask.
Ant Task to run Dependency Tool reports out of a ant's build.xml
ReportTask() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
resetLayers() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayerOrder
Delete all Layers withing this LayerOrder.
ROOT - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
ROOT_FILE_KEY - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
Key to store and retrieve the Root of the Project to be analyzed.
RULES_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: RULES_NOT_AVAILABLE.


SECTION - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPT_CONST
select(ArrayList) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Observer
Selects all the packages in the specified list for all the views implementing the Observer interface.
select(ArrayList) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView
Selects all the packages in the specified list for all the views implementing the Observer interface.
select(ArrayList) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView
Selects all the packages in the specified list for all the views implementing the Observer interface.
select(ArrayList) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
Selects all the packages in the specified list for all the views implementing the Observer interface.
select(ArrayList) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Selects all the packages in the specified list for all the views implementing the Observer interface.
select(ArrayList) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView
Selects all the packages in the specified list for all the views implementing the Observer interface.
Selection - interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Selection.
Interface defining the selectPackages method.
selectLayer(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer
Selects the nodes of the specified layer.
selectPackages(ArrayList) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Selection
Select the same packages in each view.
selectPackages(ArrayList) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Select the same packages in each view.
setAnalyzedClasses(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets number of classes.
setAnalyzedPackages(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the number of packages.
setAnalyzedVertices(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the number of vertices which passed the load filter.
setBiggestAnalyzedPackage(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the biggest package which passed the load filter.
setBiggestProjPackage(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the biggest package in the analyzed project.
setClasspath(Path) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Supports classpath attribute
setClasspathRef(Reference) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Supports classpathref attribute
setDefaultBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJInternalFrame
Set the default bounds of this PersistentJInternalFrame.
setDefaultBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.gui.PersistentJFrame
Set the default bounds of this PersistentJFrame.
setFilter(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Set analyze filter
setFilterName(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Set the name of the filter which has to be modified.
setFilterValue(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterManipulationDialog
Set the value of the filter which has to be modified.
setHighlight(Element, int, int) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.GrappaSupport
Only a forwarding wrapper method to the att.grappa.GrappaSupport.setHighlight(...) method.
setLayerOrder(LayerOrder) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Perspective
Set the LayerOrder associated with this perspective.
setMarked(boolean) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Sets the marked flag of the filter.
setName(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Sets the name of this filter.
setName(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Set the name of this Layer.
setName(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor
Set this GraphProcessor's name.
setNumberOfUsesDep(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the number of "uses" dependencies in the view.
setOutputFile(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Set the filename of the File the Reportt will be written into.
setOutputRoot(String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager
Set the output directory Dependency Tool will use to write files into.
setPackages(String[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Set packages that belong to this Layer.
setPerspective(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Set Layer description file.
setProjClasses(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the number of classes in the project.
setProjPackages(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the number of packages in the project.
setProjVertices(int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
Sets the number of vertices in the project.
setRegexp(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter
Set a regular expression for filtering nodes.
setRegexp(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Aggregator
Set a regular expression for aggregating nodes.
setReport(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Set report config file
setReportFormatter(ReportFormatter) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Set ReportFormatter which will be used to format reports.
setReportFormatter(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Set ReportFormatter which will be used to format reports (use the ReportFormatter's fully Qualified class name to do so).
setReportHandler(ReportHandler) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Set ReportHandler which will be used to output the formatted Report.
setReportHandler(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.report.Report
Set ReportHandler which will be used to output the formatted Report (use to ReportHandler's fully qualified name to do so).
setRoot(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.ant.ReportTask
Set (to be analyzed-) project root
setStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListenerSupport
Set the StatusListener.
setStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyModel
Append a StatusListeners to this DependencyModel.
setStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Set the status listener.
setString(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Set the string in the progress bar.
setTaskName(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Sets the message string above the progress bar.
setUserLayer(UserLayer) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.RawModel
Set a UserLayer.
setValue(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter
Set the value of the filter.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.LevelTableModel
Sets the value in the cell at columnIndex and rowIndex to aValue.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.FilterListTableModel
Sets the value in the cell at columnIndex and rowIndex to aValue.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Sets the value in the cell at columnIndex and rowIndex to aValue.
setZoomFactor(double, double) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.MyGrappaAdapter
Sets the zoom factor for the zoom out / in.
showAboutDialog(Frame) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.AboutDialog
Show the AboutDialog of the Dependency Tool.
showArgvDialog(String[]) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.ArgvDialog
A public utility method for using this Class.
showContinueDialog(String, Throwable) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.DPToolErrorDialog
Show continue dialog to the user.
showDetails(Edge) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDialog
Set the current dependency edge and show the informations.
showDetails(Edge) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyDetails
Set the current dependency edge and show the informations.
showErrorDialog(Exception) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.DPToolErrorDialog
Show continue dialog to the user.
Shutdown - class ch.elca.dependency.util.Shutdown.
The class Shutdown is used to shut down the Dependency Tool.
shutdown() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.Shutdown
Shutdown the Dependency Tool.
Shutdown() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.Shutdown
Creates a new Shutdown instance.
singleton() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DiskFileReader
Get the one and only instance of this class.
singleton() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.DefaultPropertiesReader
Get the one and only instance of this class.
singleton() - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView
Returns the last created instance of the GraphView or null if none has been created yet.
size() - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.util.Queue
Return the number of objects in the queue.
size() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.util.ArrayQueue
Return the number of objects in the queue.
SnappingDesktopManager - class ch.elca.dependency.gui.SnappingDesktopManager.
SnappingDesktopManager is a DesktopManager for the Dependency Tool desktop.
SnappingDesktopManager() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.gui.SnappingDesktopManager
sortAllRowsBy(int, boolean) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.DependencyTableModel
Sorts all the rows of the JTable in the specified order.
start() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Displays the progress bar at the start of the task.
Statistic - class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic.
Represents all the statistic data which comes fron the initial analyse.
This class acts just as struct with its access methods.
Statistic() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.Statistic
StatisticView - class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView.
A view class for diplaying the statistic data representation of the analyzed project.
StatisticView(DependencyModel) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.StatisticView
Constructor - Makes a JInternalFrame with the specified parameters.
StatusListener - interface ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListener.
The interface StatusListener defines methods which will be called by a DependencyModel to post messages.
StatusListenerSupport - class ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListenerSupport.
This class provides support for classes which fire StatusEvents.
StatusListenerSupport() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.core.StatusListenerSupport
stop() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.gui.MyProgressBar
Hides the progress bar at the end of the task.
STRING - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
StringManager - class ch.elca.dependency.util.StringManager.
A StringManager manages access to Strings and enables internationalization.
SubgraphFactory - class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.SubgraphFactory.
The att.grappa.Subgraph needs to be adapted to the needs of the Dependency Tool.
SubgraphFactory() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.adapter.grappa.SubgraphFactory
suffices() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.DependencyContext
With this method the user can check, whether this DependencyContext is sufficient for creation of a DependencyModel.


TextFormatter - class ch.elca.dependency.report.TextFormatter.
TextFormatter formats a Report as plain text.
TextFormatter() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.report.TextFormatter
toBoolean(ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
The boring version of display().
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.MethodInfo
Generic toString method, init method is unchanged.
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.FieldInfo
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.LayeringEvent
Get the String representation of this LayeringEvent
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
Returns the String representation of a Layer instance
toString() - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.AbstractGraphProcessor
Retrieve a String representation of this object.
toString(ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.FieldInfo
toString(ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo
toString(String) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.MethodInfo
print out the method, much as you would see it in the source file.
typeString(String, String) - Static method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader
Takes a type signature and a string representing a variable name and returns a declaration for that variable name.


UNASSIGNED - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.graph.Layer
A default Layer used for nodes not belonging to a particular Layer.
UNICODE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
UNKNOWN_FAILURE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.report.ReportException
Exception message: UNKNOWN_FAILURE.
UnZip - class ch.elca.dependency.util.UnZip.
This helper class is used to extract jar archives into the specified directory.
UnZip() - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.util.UnZip
update(DependencyModel) - Method in interface ch.elca.dependency.core.Observer
Updates this Observer.
update(DependencyModel) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Indicate this View that the DependencyModel has changed.
UserLayer - class ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer.
Class for validate the user proposal for the layer.
UserLayer(File, RawModel, JMenu) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer
Constructor - Initialize the file with theuser definitions.


valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView
Listener for the tree.
View - class ch.elca.dependency.view.View.
View component of the MVC Pattern.
View(DependencyModel, String) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Creates a new View instance.
View(DependencyModel, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.elca.dependency.view.View
Creates a new View instance.


write(DataOutputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.MethodInfo
Write out a method_info, do constant table fixups on the write.
write(DataOutputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.FieldInfo
write(DataOutputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.ConstantPoolInfo
write(DataOutputStream, ConstantPoolInfo[]) - Method in class ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.AttributeInfo


YES_CHOICE - Static variable in class ch.elca.dependency.DPToolErrorDialog
YES_CHOICE to indicate that user pressed the YES-Button.


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