Package ch.elca.dependency.core

This package contains the proper data used by the DependencyTool application.


Interface Summary
Observer The Observer Interface is responsible for holding implizit all the views which belong to the controller of the MVC Pattern.
It defines the two overloaded update methods which have to be implemented by the views.
Selection Interface defining the selectPackages method.
StatusListener The interface StatusListener defines methods which will be called by a DependencyModel to post messages.

Class Summary
Analyzer This class is the main responsible one for parsing the whole class structure in the directory tree.
DependencyContext DependencyContext used as a Context in which to create a DependencyModel.
DependencyModel It's the model in the MVC Design Pattern.
Filter This class holds the regular expression which specifies the filter.
FilterApplicator Enables the application of a user defined filter to the RawModel.
RawModel The RawModel is the data model created after the initialisation.
Statistic Represents all the statistic data which comes fron the initial analyse.
This class acts just as struct with its access methods.
StatusListenerSupport This class provides support for classes which fire StatusEvents.

Package ch.elca.dependency.core Description

This package contains the proper data used by the DependencyTool application.

The FilteredModel class is the model component of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. These are the data which the user can see in the diverse views. All the packages filtered by the load filter are no longer in this model.

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