Class PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig

Enclosing class:

public class PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig
extends NotifyOnExit

Class JInternalFrameConfig is used to overcome the shortage of single inheritance: we don't want explicitely to have to register each class which is interested in notification just before the termination. Each such class should do this automatically within its constructor and should have a method e.g. notifyOnExit() to be called before temination. In order to provide this functionality in a centralized manner a class NotifyOnExit is provided which does the registration. This JInternalFrameConfig class extends the NotifyOnExit class and inherits thus functionality. Its instances will be notified before termination. This way the enclosing class is not forced to implement the registration functionality.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void notifyOnExit()
          Notify the instance of this class that the Dependecy Tool is about to terminate.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PersistentJInternalFrame.JInternalFrameConfig()
Method Detail


public void notifyOnExit()
Notify the instance of this class that the Dependecy Tool is about to terminate. The JInternalFrameConfig will store its configuration persistently.

Specified by:
notifyOnExit in class NotifyOnExit

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