Package ch.elca.dependency.util

This is the package for some general utilyties whis can be used anywere in the DependencyTool application.


Interface Summary
PropertiesReader A PropertiesReader reads named Properties.
Queue Definition of the standard Queue interface.

Class Summary
ArrayQueue Implementation of the standard Queue interface.
DefaultPropertiesReader The class DefaultPropertiesReader is used to read the default properties.
DiskFileReader The class DiskFileReader used to read user properties stored in plain Files.
IconGrabber An utility class used to get Images and Icons easily from the FileSystem.
IOManager IOManager is used as manager of all operations that include the world outside the jvm Dependency Tool runs within.
MyFile Class MyFile used for a temporary directory which needs to be deleted on exit.
NotifyOnExit The class NotifyOnExit used as superclass for all classes which need to be notified just before the termination of the Dependency Tool.
Shutdown The class Shutdown is used to shut down the Dependency Tool.
StringManager A StringManager manages access to Strings and enables internationalization.
UnZip This helper class is used to extract jar archives into the specified directory.

Package ch.elca.dependency.util Description

This is the package for some general utilyties whis can be used anywere in the DependencyTool application.

For example the progressbar will be used later in the application to show the user that something happens within the application.

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