
The Dependency Tool uses external libraries. They are included in source and binary distribution of the tool.

Link Description Local mirror
Graphviz AT&T Graphviz is used for graph layouting. AT&T Graphviz
Grappa AT&T Grappa is a Java graph drawing package that simplifies the inclusion of graph display and manipulation capabilities within Java applications and applets. It's included in AT&T Graphviz distribution. AT&T Graphviz
Log4J Jakarta Log4J is used for logging. Jakarta Log4J
Regexp Jakarta Regexp is a regular expression matching library. Jakarta Regexp
Digester Digester is used for xml to oo mapping. Jakarta Digester
Beanutils Used by Digester. Jakarta Beanutils
Collections Used by Digester. Jakarta Collections
Lang Used by Digester. Jakarta Lang
Logging Used by Digester. Jakarta Logging
Apache Ant Dependency Tool integrates with the Apache Ant build process. Therefore the core Ant library is used to have Ant classes available to our tool. Apache Ant
TableLayout The main LayoutManager used for the Dependency Tool GUI's is the TableLayout. TableLayout

TableLayout sources

TableLayout javadocs

Synch For the command-line parsing and processing a part of the project "synch" has been used. Synch