
Class Class Todos Count Method with Todos
ch.elca.dependency.ArgvDialog 1 1
ch.elca.dependency.DPToolErrorDialog 2 3
ch.elca.dependency.core.Analyzer 0 1
ch.elca.dependency.core.Filter 1 0
ch.elca.dependency.core.classinfo.Reader 1 0
ch.elca.dependency.graph.GraphUtils 0 2
ch.elca.dependency.gui.ReportDialog 1 0
ch.elca.dependency.layer.UserLayer 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 2
ch.elca.dependency.util.IOManager 2 0
ch.elca.dependency.view.ClassDepView 0 1
ch.elca.dependency.view.GraphView 0 2
ch.elca.dependency.view.OverView 0 3
ch.elca.dependency.view.PackageDepView 0 1


Class Todos
provide a superclass because the structure of the Jframes is mostly the same.
Method Todos
initFrame(): get the icon through a RessourceManager, not directly.


Class Todos
provide a superclass because the structure of the Jframes is mostly the same.
implement a StringManager.
Method Todos
initFrame(): get the icon through a RessourceManager, not directly.
Method Todos
makeErrorGUI(): get the icon through a RessourceManager, not directly.
Method Todos
makeMessageGUI(): get the icon through a RessourceManager, not directly.


Method Todos
registerClass(): improve this method


Class Todos
merge with ch.elca.dependency.graph.Filter


Class Todos
make the reader configurable --> the basic dptool needs probably the constant pool only, so reading just the constant pool would speed up execution. using BCEL is not appropriate, because it'd take too long.


Method Todos
copy(): save Graph's counter before manipulating
Method Todos
copyPublicMembers(): improve this method


Class Todos
provide a superclass because the structure of the Jframes is mostly the same.


Method Todos
checkLayers(): remove hack, use visitor pattern to reuse this method outside DPT-GUI

Class Todos
lists all packages (the referenced ones and project packages). this is not of interest. change to project packages only!

Class Todos
write cycles ReportInfo.
report needs not receiving a DependencyModel.

Method Todos
getAvailableReportInfos(): improve: read all available ReportInfos from a auto-generated properties file.
Method Todos
getAvailableFormatters(): improve: read all available Formatters from a auto-generated properties file.


Class Todos
improve io-management, think about a user starting dpt from a cd and analyzing a project on a read-only medium. ask user to specify output and temp directories.
improve finding dot.exe: if dpt-directory is placed in a dir named with a space, the overview layout doesn't work.


Method Todos
display(): improve display method


Method Todos
display(): remove hack with background color
Method Todos
doLayoutWithDot(): error message in case the user chooses: nowindows, or if the dot layout doesn't work for some reason.


Method Todos
display(): improve display method
Method Todos
isClassFile(): provide a generic isFiletype(File f, String suffix) method that recognizes filetypes
Method Todos
isJarFile(): provide a generic isFiletype(File f, String suffix) method that recognizes filetypes


Method Todos
addIsUsedAncestors(): grappa.... tobedone till thurs, !just a temporary solution!