Package ch.elca.dependency.graph

Interface Summary
GraphProcessor An interface for processing Graphs.
LayeringListener This interface has to be implemented by all classes which need to receive LayeringEvents.

Class Summary
AbstractGraphProcessor AbstractGraphProcessor is a named GraphProcessor.
Aggregator This class is responsible for aggregating nodes in a graph accordingly to a regexp.
Filter A Filter is responsible for filtering Nodes from a Graph.
GraphUtils Class GraphUtils is a utility class for manipulating, copying of Graphs (specialized for the att.grappa package).
Layer This class represents an architectural Layer withing analyzed software.
LayeringEvent A LayeringEvent occurs each time an edge is discovered which violates the specified layering.
LayeringEventSupport This is an utility class which supports LayeringEvents.
LayerOrder This class represents Layers within a graph.
Perspective A graph representing dependencies in an analyzed project can be vieved using different perspectives.
PerspectiveManager This class is responsible for loading perspectives from a config file and to make them available.

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