Package ch.elca.dependency.gui

Interface Summary
DependencyDetails Interface for showing the dependency details for the desired edge.
This interface is implemented by a dialog which shows the involved classes and the type of the dependency.

Class Summary
AboutDialog The About Dialog of the Dependency Tool.
DependencyDialog Dialog showing the classes involved in a package dependency (edge) and its type (uses, ext, impl).
DependencyTableModel This class is the data model for the dependency list table in the DependencyDialog.
FilterDialog Dialog for creating, modifying and deleting filters.
FilterListTableModel This class is the data model for the filter list table in the FilterDialog.
FilterManipulationDialog Dialog for creating and modifying filters.
LevelTableModel This class is the data model for the level table in the LevelDialog.
LogDisplay LogDisplay used to display log messages within the DependencyTool GUI.
MainFrame The MainFrame class is responsible for the initialisation at the startup of the DependencyTool.
MyFileFilter A FileFilter used for JFileOpenDialogs within the DependencyTool.
MyProgressBar Customized progress bar which does not need to know the time of a task.
ReportDialog The class ReportDialog here is a dialog, which can be used to generate Reports.
SnappingDesktopManager SnappingDesktopManager is a DesktopManager for the Dependency Tool desktop.

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